Sunday, February 10, 2008

David Mamet's "Cloverfield"

(A roar is heard)

Rob: What was that?

Hud: The…

Rob: The sound.

Hud: Yes.

Rob: The noise.

Hud: Yes.

Rob: Yes, the noise.

Jason: I don’t…

Rob: What?

Jason: I didn’t hear the sound.

Hud: The noise.

Jason: Yes, the noise. The one that filled the air.

Rob: Before…

Hud: Before the song that’s started playing now…

Marlena: Oh god!

Rob: The head!

Jason: The…

Marlena: …head, it’s in the…

Jason: …in the…

Hud: …street, it’s…

Rob: …tearing up the street!

Hud: Yes.

Rob: Yes, the street. It’s…

Jason: …like some…

Rob: Yes?

Jason: …some comet…

Rob: ...comet...

Jason: Yes.

Hud: I think I’d better get the camera.


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