Monday, July 18, 2005


I would be very surprised if anyone was caught off-guard by last week’s revelations in l’affaire Rove.

If there is anyone out there who is still confused as to how the same folks who genuflect so piously before the altars of Truth, Freedom and The American Way could lie, twist the truth and smear the names of the good, let me explain something.

All you have to remember is that, as far as they’re concerned, they’re engaged in a holy war. As such, any means are justified when applied towards this end. The laws of Man are nuisances to be endured and are to be treated as such in the light of God’s Holy Word.

They’re building a landing strip for the Lord and woe betide any who slow their march towards Armageddon.

Twenty years ago I watched a small mob of them, armed with talking points from the Moral Majority, infiltrate and destroy the community radio station I volunteered at.

They were ugly, inside and out, having long ago dispensed with the humanity that was no doubt nothing but an encumbrance to their elevated, spiritual selves. They were bitter and twisted creatures with the expressions of the brainwashed on their sad and sallow faces.

They studied Robert’s Rules Of Order for possible loopholes through which poison could find purchase. They lied when it suited them and misled as a matter of policy. They worked diligently towards a single-minded goal that would be rewarded in the next life.

By the time they were through, they had dismantled things that had taken years to build. They destroyed other people’s efforts without consultation or conscience. Already dead inside, they resented any signs of life in others and devoted many hours to extinguishing them whenever they were discovered.

When questioned about why they seemed so committed to eliminating everything about the station that people valued, especially greatly reducing the variety of music it was known for offering, the ringleader declared, “We’d rather not play any music at all.” See? We don’t like any music, so you can’t accuse us of targeting anything in particular.

I have to admit that this statement, which has stayed with me for 20 years and which astonishes me now every bit as much as it did then, has come to personify for me the essence of conservative thought. You have a complaint about how we’re destroying part of civilization? Very well.

We’ll destroy all of it.

So none of this is new or surprising to me. I watched them go through these motions at close range and got to see them operate. Nothing’s changed except the surprising progress they’ve made and the frightening amount of power they wield.

So get on board the Jesus train, folks, while there’s still time.

You don’t want to end up on that other train.


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